Есть такой девайс Сrane Сams HI-6 CD IGNITION
У него есть замечательная функция, как откат угла зажигания.
Можно делать это вручную, а можно и разными автоматическими способами.
Нас интересует то, что обведено красным. Точнее аналоговый вход 5 вольт.
Refer to Fig. 15. An optional MAP sensor (Crane Cams
P/N 9000-0110) is required for boost proportional retard.
This sensor is a rugged unit that can measure pressures
up to 15 psi above normal atmospheric pressure. The sen-
sor comes with vacuum tubing and adapters for plumbing
it to the intake manifold. The yellow wire from the TRC-2
should be taped up when using the MAP sensor.
When the MAP sensor is connected, the retard setting on the
TRC-2 now refers to a retard slope from 0° to 4° per psi of
boost. Simply divide the knob setting by 5 to determine the
retard slope (see Figure 15). For example, if the knob is set to
5° the retard slope is 1 ° per psi and at 5 psi of boost the retard
is 5°. As boost rises further, the retard increases at this same
slope up to a maximum of 20°. If the boost level exceeds 15
psi, the retard levels off as shown in Figure 15 below (sensor
damage may occur above 18 psi).
The status LED on the TRC-2 illuminates when retard is
being applied. Under most conditions, this occurs between
0.5 and 1.0 psi of boost. As boost rises, retard rises with a
slope determined by the knob setting. Note that the retard
slope stops rising when the boost reaches 15 psi or the retard
reaches 20°. The TRC-2 is approximately linear throughout
its range, but for precise retard calibration use a timing light
to obtain retard value.
Есть еще такой девайс. Нужен с аналоговым выходом.
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